Sae-Lee C, Barrow TM, Colicino E, Choi SH, Rabanal-Ruiz Y, Green D, Korolchuk VI, Mathers JC, Byun HM (2022). Genomic targets and selective inhibition of DNA methyltransferase isoforms. Clinical Epigenetics 14(1): 103.
Schwalbe EC, H L, Lafta F, Barrow TM, Strathdee G (2021). Integration of genome-level data to allow identification of subtype-specific vulnerability genes as novel therapeutic targets. Oncogene 40(33):5213-5223.
Li Y, Byun HM, Barrow TM, Zhang Q (2021). Editorial: Environmental Genomics and Epigenomics: Response, Development and Disease. Frontiers in Genetics 12:694288.
Lin WY, Fordham SE, Sunter N, Elstob C, Rahman T, Willmore E, Shepherd C, Strathdee G, Mainou-Fowler T, Piddock R, Mearns H, Barrow T, Houlston RS, Marr H, Wallis J, Summerfield G, Marshall S, Pettitt A, Pepper C, Fegan C, Forconi F, Dyer MJS, Jayne S, Sellors A, Schuh A, Robbe P, Oscier D, Bailey J, Rais S, Bentley A, Cawkwell L, Evans P, Hillmen P, Pratt G, Allsup DJ, Allan JM (2021). Genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nature Communications 12(1):665.
Barrow TM, Nakjang S, Lafta F, Bilotkach K, Woodhouse L, Junge G, Tudhope SJ, Wallis JP, Marr H, Marshall S, Bown N, Willmore E, Strathdee G (2020). Epigenome-wide analysis reveals functional modulators of drug sensitivity and post-treatment survival in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. British Journal of Cancer 124(2): 474-83.
Cayir A, Byun HM, Barrow TM (2020). Environmental Epitranscriptomics. Environmental Research 189: 109885.
Fang J, Kang CM, Osorio-Yanez C, Barrow TM, Zhang R, Zhang Y, Li C, Liu H, Guo L, Byun HM (2020). Pre-natal PM2.5 exposure and the risk of adverse birth outcomes: Results from Project ELEFANT. Environmental Research 191:110232.
Sae-Lee C, Biasi J, Robinson N, Barrow TM, Mathers JC, Koutsidis G, Byun HM (2020). DNA methylation patterns of LINE-1 and Alu for pre-symptomatic dementia in type 2 diabetes. PLoS One 15(6): e0234578.
Barrow TM, Wong Doo N, Milne RL, Giles GG, Willmore E, Strathdee GS, Byun HM (2021). Analysis of retrotransposon subfamily DNA methylation reveals novel early epigenetic changes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Haematologica 106(1): 98-110.
Cayir A, Barrow TM, Guo L, Byun HM (2019). Exposure to environmental toxicants reduces global N6-methyladenosine RNA methylation and alters expression of RNA methylation modulator genes. Environmental Research, 175: 228-234.
Sae-Lee C, Corsi S, Barrow TM, Kuhnle GGC, Bollati V, Mathers JC, Byun HM (2018). Dietary Intervention Modifies DNA Methylation Age Assessed by the Epigenetic Clock. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 62(23): e1800092.
Barrow TM, Peng C, Wilson A, Wang H, Liu H, Shen L, Tang NJ, Sae-Lee C, Li PH, Guo L, Byun HM (2019). Psychosocial stress is associated with benign breast disease in young Chinese women: results from Project ELEFANT. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 173(1): 217-224.
Barrow TM, Byun HM, Li X, Smart C, Wang YX, Zhang Y, Baccarelli AA, Guo L (2017). The effect of morphine upon DNA methylation in ten regions of the rat brain. Epigenetics, 12(12): 1038-47
Barrow TM, Klett H, Toth R, Böhm J, Gigic B, Habermann N, Scherer D, Schrotz-King P, Skender S, Abbenhardt-Martin C, Zielske L, Schneider M, Ulrich A, Schirmacher P, Herpel E, Brenner H, Busch H†, Börries M†, Ulrich CM†, Michels KB† (2017). Smoking is associated with hypermethylation of the APC promoter 1A in Colorectal Cancer: the ColoCare Study. Journal of Pathology, 243(3): 366-75.
Guo L, Li PH, Li H, Colicino E, Colicino S, Wen Y, Zhang R, Feng X, Barrow TM, Cayir A, Baccarelli AA, Byun HM (2016). Effects of environmental noise pollution on DNA methylation in the brain and metabolic health. Environmental Research, 153:73-82.
Barrow TM, Baraut L, Ellsworth RE, Harris HR, Binder AM, Valente AL, Shriver CD, Michels KB (2015). Aberrant methylation of imprinted genes is associated with negative hormone receptor status in invasive breast cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 137(3): 537-47.
Barrow TM, Byun HM (2014). SNPs on DNA Methylation Microarrays: Precautions Against Confounding. Epigenomics, 6(6): 577-9.
Barrow TM, Michels KB (2014). Epigenetic Epidemiology of Cancer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 455(1-2): 70-83.
Joosen AMCP, Kuhnle GGC, Aspinall SM, Barrow TM, Lecommandeur E, Azqueta A, Collins AR, Bingham SA (2009). Effect of Processed and Red Meat on Endogenous Nitrosation and DNA Damage. Carcinogenesis, 30(8): 1402-1407.​​
Book chapters
Barrow TM (2018). Epigenetic Epidemiology of Cancer Risk. In: Saldanha S (ed), Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cancer. Translational Epigenetics 3: 195-222. Academic Press, Boston, MA, USA.
Byun HM, Barrow TM (2015). Analysis of Pollutant-Induced Changes in Mitochondrial DNA Methylation. In: Weissig V and Edeas M (eds), Mitochondrial Medicine. Methods in Molecular Biology 1265: 271-83. Humana Press, New York, NY, USA.
Tabish AM, Baccarelli AA, Godderis L, Barrow TM, Byun HM (2015). Assessment of repetitive element DNA methylation by pyrosequencing. In: Lehmann U, Tost J (eds), Pyrosequencing. Methods in Molecular Biology 1315: 201-7. Humana Press, New York, NY, USA.
Conference posters
Barrow TM, Wong Doo N, Milne RL, Giles GG, Willmore E, Strathdee G, Byun HM. Analysis of LINE-1 and Alu element DNA methylation reveals novel early epigenetic changes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Poster session presented at: 23rd Congress of the European Hematology Association; 2018 June 14-17; Stockholm, Sweden.
Barrow TM, Woodhouse L, Junge G, Tudhope SJ, Behardien C, Wallis JP, Marr HJ, Marshall SR, Bown N, Willmore E, Strathdee G. The role of HOXA4 in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia progression and response to therapy. Poster session presented at: American Society of Hematology 58th Annual Meeting & Exposition; 2016 December 3 - 6; San Diego, USA.
Barrow TM*, Toth R*, Gigic B, Habermann N, Scherer D, Schrotz-King P, Böhm J, Tosic S, Abbenhardt C, Schneider M, Ulrich A, Schirmacher P, Herpel E, Michels KB†, Ulrich CM†. Smoking is Associated with Changes in DNA Methylation of the MGMT and SEPT9 Genes in Colorectal Cancer – the ColoCare Study. Poster session presented at: 4th Wellcome Trust Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference; 2014 October 28 – 31; Cambridge, UK.
Barrow TM*, Baraut L*, Ellsworth RE, Harris HR, Valente AL, Shriver CD, Michels KB. Aberrant Methylation of Imprinted Genes is Associated with Negative Hormone Receptor Status in Invasive Breast Cancer. Poster session presented at: Max Planck Epigenetics Meeting; 2012 December 5 – 8; Freiburg, Germany.
Barrow TM, Ellsworth R, Harris H, Barault L, Valente A, Shriver C, Michels KB. Loss of Imprinting in PEG3, MEST and ARHI/DIRAS3 in Invasive Breast Cancer. Poster session presented at: 103rd AACR Annual Meeting; 2012 March 31 – April 4; Chicago, USA.
Barrow TM, Cooke JC, Joosen AMCP, Bingham SA. Exfoliated Cell Lineage in Stool-based Colorectal Cancer Screening. Poster session presented at: 4th National Cancer Research Institute Cancer Conference; 2010 October 5-8; Birmingham, UK.